Take Me to the Beach

Beach day! After multiple 95+ degree days, we finally made it to the beach. My roommate and I waited until about 4:00 p.m. to head to Trinity to avoid the worst of the sun’s rays. The walk down to the beach followed a curving stone path with lush green plants on either side. 51887579_288248985185293_6134196008680161280_n (1)

The beach wasn’t what I was expecting. Only a small portion of the coastline was actually available for swimming. It’s stinger (jellyfish) season here, so they have safety nets that supposedly prevent jellyfish from getting into the swim area. Unfortunately for me, stinger season lasts pretty much the entire extent of my trip.

According to the locals, stingers aren’t a problem in southern Australia. Up here, we have stingers and crocs, but down there they have sharks. Honestly, I think I’d rather deal with sharks than crocs. 52008502_401466420418247_659746791012433920_n (2)

Funny enough, while we were swimming in the safety nets, there was a group of 10 or so 12-year-old boys jumping off the inflated swim area border into the open ocean. As boys are, they were screaming and messing around.

At one point, as one of the boys was screaming, I looked over and saw a 12-foot long object in the water near where they were playing. Thinking it was a crocodile, I started to panic, as any sane person would.51936829_1127876327393319_296921285424840704_n

That fear was short lived though because right after I spotted it, one of the boys jumped on top of it, and I realized it was a log.

I guess you could say all the horror stories I’ve heard about Australian wildlife has definitely made me a bit jumpy. On the bright side, the water was like bath water. With the hot sun on our backs as we swam out, I almost wished the water was a little colder.  51983603_808626392807900_741451792130244608_n

As the sun dipped behind the trees, we headed out for the bus stop, but we were distracted along the way. We found a lookout point and small trail through the trees just a short way down the sidewalk.

We hiked up to the lookout, and the view was easily worth it. We could see the mountains on the coast turning blue with the distance, and the glow of the setting sun painted pastels in the sky.Walking trail at Trinity Beach

We followed a dirt trail along a wooden fence into the trees. We passed through a couple of open clearings before finding another rocky lookout. The trees were dense and blocked most of the views, but the ocean was still visible through the cracks.

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