Caught in the Storm

52637334_2322080491358406_1889082940705472512_nWhat started out as a beautiful sunny day at the beach turned into fleeing from a tropical rainstorm. The sun was hot in the morning as six of my newfound friends and I headed for Palm Beach. Karoline, Kristine, Tyra, Linda, Cathrine and I set up camp in the shade and then headed for the water to escape the heat.

52695061_254683692091038_3191881868886671360_nWe swam out to the edge of the stinger nets and got scolded by the lifeguard on duty. Finding our way back to shore, we began competitively tossing around a child’s football for lack of better options.

52632976_2370571439662117_8004673060865048576_nOur sunny day was shortlived as the storm clouds rolled in from the south. The sky quickly changed from bright blues to fierce grays. We could see the rain in the distance overtake an unsuspecting cruise ship.

52698866_241733913371152_6549684414681448448_nLocals rushed to the safety of their cars and the indoors, as most sane people would. Anyone would have been able to pick us out as tourists as instead, we rushed to the pier to take pictures of the oncoming storm. 52283866_2245767058807122_1902216478250237952_n

The wind was intense as it bent trees and carried the storm in. Just as we were rushing to take cover under the tin roof of a restaurant, the rain started to pour. The sound escalated drastically under the metallic roof.

52415889_248372952718270_3007965450807017472_nThe six of us piled into the bar and grill just into time for the $10 lunch deal. We sat outside in the covered dining area and watched the storm reach full force. The rumble of the rain on the tin dramatized the encounter nicely as if to give us the best show with our meal.

52561516_2186046274791983_5866212048232251392_nLuckily for us, by the time we finished our meals the storm had mostly passed and subsided to a small patter. We made our mad dash for the nearest bus stop only to have to stand in the rain a little longer as the bus was late.

The river that flows through campus had risen nicely with the rain that rushed down the mountainside. From my bedroom window, the winds continued to rip through the trees and whistle loudly at the darkening sky.

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