Caution: I’m Falling for Australia

53803529_2038249586222322_304633964356698112_nIs it a college student thing or a study abroad student thing to make impulsive decisions? Or is it both? Either way, I’d fall into that category. My roommate, Karoline, and I were walking in the city today after heading to Rusty’s Market for fresh fruit and vegetables when we were stopped by the stereotypical salesman.

As a major tourist city, Cairns is overpopulated with attraction salesmen. As one approached us outside his store, we decided to humor him because we had been looking into some deals on their site a few days earlier.

53532450_660518204369922_8846971144666873856_nNot entirely sure if we actually got a good deal or if he was just really good at convincing us we did, but we ended up booking a five-day diving course that includes a three-day/two-night Great Barrier Reef cruise with dives at multiple islands.

We’re going to get our diver’s licenses, and we’ll even get to experience a night dive with reef sharks under UV light. The price came out to about $460 US dollars, so I think that’s a win. Scammed or not, I’m looking forward to this experience, so stay tuned!

54400046_463148037553104_5930132646339280896_nAmong other impulsive decisions, some friends of mine decided it’d be a good day for bungee jumping. James Cook University is located right next AJ Hackett, a bungee tower, lucky us. Ari and Karoline were keen to take the jump, but willingly throwing myself off a tower surprisingly isn’t on my bucketlist.

swing 3Cathrine and I decided to take a smaller thrill and try out the giant swing. The view from the top of the swing was amazing. Peeking out over the top of the rainforest and waiting for the light below to flash from red to green was just enough of a thrill to get me through the day.

53453067_1184594535037508_7113573960918237184_nThe first initial drop after I pulled the release rope made me feel like I had just made the biggest mistake in my life. No more than a second later, as our legs were flying above our heads, the swing caught and we were sailing through the air towards the pond below.

After we had indeed made sure that gravity was still working, we headed over to Tyra’s place for taco night and a swim. Everyone brought something to share, I made guacamole. Our friend group is becoming like a little family, and I couldn’t ask for cooler people to adventure with.


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