About Me

Kylie Compe

LinkedIn: kylie-compe

Instagram: kpc.travels

Instagram: kpc.photographyy

Portfolio Blog: https://kyliecompe

Based in: Wisconsin

My name is Kylie P. Compe, hence the KPC, but you’ve probably gathered that much already. It seems you have landed on my About Me page, which was either a misclick or you are genuinely interested in learning more about me. Well, I am humbled and will humor you with what I hope are some fun facts. I collect plants despite not having a green thumb, I am a licensed scuba diver, the weirdest food I have ever eaten was kangaroo, I hiked an erupting volcano, one of my favorite books is Jurassic Park and I bring it up whenever I see a fern or similar flora, I love plane rides but I think roadtripping is a better adventure and my latest destination was Hawai’i.

Now that you know me a little bit more as a person and explorer, I can give you a more educational background on how I got to where I am today.

I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the spring of 2020 with a double major in Journalism and Environmental Studies, as well as two certificates/minors in Photography and Digital Studies. My family has never been one to travel around much, so my passion for travel likely started after a solo trip to Germany and England. I was thirteen when I first left the country, and what started as a ripple became a hurricane. The urge to travel slowly grew until I was going on road trips multiple times a year. St. Louis, Atlanta, Myrtle Beach, Pensacola, South Dakota, Fort Lauderdale and so on.

The drive to explore and experience something other than the life I grew up with has shaped me into a more culturally-aware, compassionate and understanding human being. I am drawn to learning the history of the places I visit, absorbing information so that I may experience the place in a more profound way. I am determined to be an international journalist and photographer, so I can travel the world and learn about the many cultures it hosts. My favorite part of living in Australia was staying long enough in one spot to feel like a local. My goal through traveling is to broaden my view of the world, learn more about people and cultures as well as about the world in which we inhabit. My goal through writing and photographing my adventures is to entertain, educate and inspire others to push their boundaries and discover the world around them.