All-Time Bucketlist

A bucket list is a living document, meaning it’s constantly growing and changing. I wrote my original bucket list when I was in 8th grade as a class exercise. Since then, I have crossed many items off my list, but my ambitions have also shifted and grown. Some of the items on my list are stated simply, and some are more specific. I find pride, and a bit of nostalgia, in crossing off the simple items that 13-year-old me added all those years ago. It’s always fun to see how far you’ve come in expectations for yourself. So enjoy my always-growing bucket list! 🙂

1. Visit all 63 National Parks

Just getting started, but there are a few in the books and plenty in the works!

2. Learn to Surf

January 2022 — Learning to surf at Waikiki Beach, what some people consider the birthplace of modern surfing, was an incredible experience…with a fun little ocean sidekick.

3. Go Whitewater Rafting

April 2019 — One of my many adventures in Australia…check out the full story of when I went whitewater rafting on the Tully River!

4. Visit Niagara Falls

August 2019 — At the end of a short road trip to Canada, we made a stop at Niagara Falls.

5. Live in Australia for 6 Months

Feb 2019 — Believe it or not, this was something I added to my bucket list as an 8th grader and when I was a college junior, I studied abroad in Queensland, Australia. Check out a variety of adventures by clicking the button below.

6. Go Snorkeling

May 2019 — My 8th-grade self clearly didn’t realize how easy this would be to check off my bucket list, so here’s one of my FAVORITE snorkeling experiences.

7. Visit Mt. Rushmore

June 2020 — On a short weekend road trip to South Dakota, we made a quick stop at the famed Mt. Rushmore.

8. Visit All 50 States

Almost halfway there!

9. Swim in all 5 Great Lakes

10. Go Skiing on a Real Mountain

11. Walk on the Great Wall of China

12. Run a Marathon

13. Hike Pike’s Peak

14. Hike Mount Kilimanjaro

15. Hike Half Dome at Yosemite

16. Hike Angel’s Landing at Zion

17. Hike the Rim to Rim at the Grand Canyon

18. Hike the entire Ice Age Trail

19. Oktoberfest in Germany

20. Be in 4 States at Once

21. See the Heads on Easter Island

22. Backpack Europe

23. Build a Travel Van

24. Skydive

25. Visit New Orleans for Mardi Gras

26. Write a book

27. See a play on Broadway

28. Visit All 7 Continents (yes, especially Antarctica)

29. Visit All 7 Natural Wonders of the World

30. Swim with Dolphins

31. Visit All WI State Parks

32. Go Wing Walking

33. See the Northern Lights

34. Solo Trip

35. Hot Air Balloon Ride

36. Drive Route 66

37. Swim in an alpine lake

38. Visit all the National Lakeshores

39. Camp on BLM land