Scuba Diving in the Great Barrier Reef

I am quite happy to say I am now a PADI certified open water diver! Karoline, Cathrine and I went through Diver's Den here in Cairns to get our license and spend a weekend on the reef! After two long days and many hours in the pool with our instructor Levi, we advanced to the … Continue reading Scuba Diving in the Great Barrier Reef

From Sea to Summit On Fitzroy Island

We had a bit of a rocky start to the day. We almost didn't catch the ferry, but once we were on the ferry, all of us got a little seasick, besides Kristine. Never in my life have I been seasick before, so I was a little surprised by how sick I felt. The waves … Continue reading From Sea to Summit On Fitzroy Island

Easter in the Whitsundays

Day 1 — Good Friday (This wasn't a very exciting day, so if you're reading for travel advice or recommendations, skip to days 2 & 3) For those that know me, you know that if I'm in a car for more than about 20 minutes, I'll likely be asleep by minute 21. Although I tried, … Continue reading Easter in the Whitsundays

Whitewater Rafting Down Tully Gorge

The wet season is finally coming to an end, and with perfect timing too. My friends Ari, Linda and I decided to go whitewater rafting down the Tully River on Saturday. I woke up at the crack of dawn to catch my ride, and I got to see the sky change from night to day … Continue reading Whitewater Rafting Down Tully Gorge

A Little Magic at Fairy Falls

I've been feeling a bit unproductive lately when it comes to exploring the area, and it's been making me anxious. Besides going to the beach and into the city, this was the first real adventure I've had in weeks. My friends Tyra, Karoline, Cathrine and I made plans to take the UniLodge share car out … Continue reading A Little Magic at Fairy Falls

School Strike for Climate Action

For those who don't know, on March 15th, 2019, there was a global school strike for climate action. Across 110 countries, 1.5 million people set to the streets to let their voices be heard. Australia is suffering from droughts, flash flooding, heat waves and other severe weather. Struck with harsh impacts of climate change, the … Continue reading School Strike for Climate Action

Caution: I’m Falling for Australia

Is it a college student thing or a study abroad student thing to make impulsive decisions? Or is it both? Either way, I'd fall into that category. My roommate, Karoline, and I were walking in the city today after heading to Rusty's Market for fresh fruit and vegetables when we were stopped by the stereotypical … Continue reading Caution: I’m Falling for Australia

Adventuring in Port Douglas

I woke up to rain Sunday morning and prayed it would go away because my roommate and I had plans to be outside that day. We got a ride up to Port Douglas with a woman we met at a Christian barbeque and, sure enough, the rain was heading south with blue skies on the … Continue reading Adventuring in Port Douglas

Crikey! It’s a Croc Farm!

In 1962, on the 22nd of February, Steve Irwin "the Crocodile Hunter" was born. Steve is one of the most well-known conservationists and wildlife activists the world has ever known. He was and is a major inspiration to me as I pursue a career in environmental journalism and conservation. Often times, the environment is a … Continue reading Crikey! It’s a Croc Farm!

Caught in the Storm

What started out as a beautiful sunny day at the beach turned into fleeing from a tropical rainstorm. The sun was hot in the morning as six of my newfound friends and I headed for Palm Beach. Karoline, Kristine, Tyra, Linda, Cathrine and I set up camp in the shade and then headed for the … Continue reading Caught in the Storm