Easter in the Whitsundays

Day 1 — Good Friday (This wasn't a very exciting day, so if you're reading for travel advice or recommendations, skip to days 2 & 3) For those that know me, you know that if I'm in a car for more than about 20 minutes, I'll likely be asleep by minute 21. Although I tried, … Continue reading Easter in the Whitsundays

Whitewater Rafting Down Tully Gorge

The wet season is finally coming to an end, and with perfect timing too. My friends Ari, Linda and I decided to go whitewater rafting down the Tully River on Saturday. I woke up at the crack of dawn to catch my ride, and I got to see the sky change from night to day … Continue reading Whitewater Rafting Down Tully Gorge

Caution: I’m Falling for Australia

Is it a college student thing or a study abroad student thing to make impulsive decisions? Or is it both? Either way, I'd fall into that category. My roommate, Karoline, and I were walking in the city today after heading to Rusty's Market for fresh fruit and vegetables when we were stopped by the stereotypical … Continue reading Caution: I’m Falling for Australia

Adventuring in Port Douglas

I woke up to rain Sunday morning and prayed it would go away because my roommate and I had plans to be outside that day. We got a ride up to Port Douglas with a woman we met at a Christian barbeque and, sure enough, the rain was heading south with blue skies on the … Continue reading Adventuring in Port Douglas

Caught in the Storm

What started out as a beautiful sunny day at the beach turned into fleeing from a tropical rainstorm. The sun was hot in the morning as six of my newfound friends and I headed for Palm Beach. Karoline, Kristine, Tyra, Linda, Cathrine and I set up camp in the shade and then headed for the … Continue reading Caught in the Storm