Indiana Sand Dunes National Park

At first glance, this park might seem like a one-and-done type of bucket list item, but the re-visitability of this park is high. In the summer, the dunes make for the perfect beach day destination. Day hikes, swimming and picnics are done best here.

Wildlife Spotting in the Everglades

Flamingo Marina is probably the best spot in Everglades National Park for wildlife viewing. Since it is located with direct access to the ocean, you can see alligators, crocodiles, sharks, dolphins and, of course, manatees.

Looking Forward to 2023 — New Year’s Resolutions

The start of a new year often brings excitement and determination to take on new challenges and set goals. The annual tradition of going around the table and saying your New Year's Resolutions might be a bit cliche, but I think we all secretly enjoy talking about them. So, here's me indulging my guilty pleasure … Continue reading Looking Forward to 2023 — New Year’s Resolutions

Looking Back at 2022 — Recapping the Year

At the beginning of 2022, I decided I wanted to challenge myself to get outside and explore more. As a goal-oriented person, I decided to define this challenge into very specific boxes I could check off. In retrospect, some of these goals were far heftier than I originally realized, and while I did not complete … Continue reading Looking Back at 2022 — Recapping the Year

Hiking the Mauna Loa Summit Trail

Looking for an adventure on Hawai'i's Big Island? Look no further! Take a hike to the summit of Mauna Loa, the world's largest volcano! Found in the Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, Mauna Loa is a must-see for all Hawaii visitors. There are two main ways to go about hiking the Mauna Loa Summit Trail: starting … Continue reading Hiking the Mauna Loa Summit Trail

Exploring Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

While the drive to Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park was an adventure in and of itself, I was glad when we finally made it to our main attraction. I remember driving and through the desert for hours, watching as the sand and shrubs passed by the window, when finally Uluru came into view. I thought we … Continue reading Exploring Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park